F3 Ranch
Keaton, Lacey, Easton, and Sloane Foster
8095 West 400 South
Fowler, IN 47944
[email protected]

What year did you join the Millennium Futurity?
What’s your fondest Millennium Futurity memory?
We are looking forward to competing with the best in the business to continue to push our program forward into the future. The bar is continually raised year after year and the Millennium showcases the best from across the country year after year.
What’s your favorite futurity animal that you’ve had in the past?
The breeding we are most excited about is the progeny of our main herd sire, Dunn Progressive. He won every futurity he was entered into and has continued to mature into what we believe to be a perfect specimen of a herd sire. His first full calf crop is just now turning a year old and are incredibly exciting.